june 16 2012New : replacement wheel for TAF motor Thing gearbox 79 usd + shipment
Black Knight 2000, no playfield, + some under playfield parts
Banzai Run NO PLAYFIELD, has left some under playfield parts
Blackout williams NO PLAYFIELD, pcb boards + plastics + some hardware
Cyclone,2 ferris wheel assy only
Dr Dude playfield + parts
Eight Ball Champ Bally, NO PLAYFIELD. hardware machinery targets + playfield plastics
Firepower Williams 1980: NO PLAYFIELD, flat playfield plastics only + bumper caps
F 14, playfield populated some parts missing
Fire playfield populated some parts missing
Fun House, NO PLAYFIELD some hardware left + plastics + RUDY's HEAD
Genessis partially populated
Jokertz, populated, plastic ramps + wire shooting ramp sold
Laser War DE playfield water damaged some plastics OK
Last action Hero playfield + parts
Machine BOP, NO PLAYFIELD some parts only as some plastics and head,
Nip It playfield water damaged some plastics OK grabber mech incomplete
Operation Thunder, NO PLAYFIELD only some plastics and some machinery
Pin*bot, stripped playfieled, left some plastics & machinery ie lift assy, + original Backglass
Police force: NO PLAYFIELD, some plastics + police car motor without gearbox.
Playboy DE playfield water damaged some plastics OK
River Boat Gambler, NO PLAYFIELD, some parts, ramps sold.
Road kings:NO PLAYFIELD, plastics & some hardware only,
Secret Service DE, populated, some plastics sold
Special Force partially populated
Star wars DE playfield + parts
Truck Stop Bally, populated
Time machine DE, stripped playfield SOLD, some parts sold, ramps sold
Bone Busters
Bride of Pinbot The Machine
Fun House
Huricane disc sticker
Jurasik Park
Last Action Hero
Laser War
Operation Thunder
Pinbot backglass
Playboy DE
Star Wars DE
Surf'n safari
Simpsons DE
Truck Stop
for other translites please ask.
Operations Manuals
Bugs Bunny BB
Black Rose
Grand Lizard
Game show
High speed
Mousin Around
Machine BOP
Any PCBs from Williams: Sys 11, 11A, 11B,11C Williams: sound, power
supply, MPU, PPB, display boards, ALL TESTED.
Bally ' 90 th ,displays left & right 16 digit alpha
Williams sys 6,7 boards with parts missing.
Williams sys 7 BK complete CPU
williams sys 6: Blackout boards complete set and displays
sys 11c MPU rare board, SYS 11a mpu
Data East: MPU version 2, version 3 TESTED, power supply tested , sound
board: secret service generation & dotmatrix generation , display driver,fliptronic 2 & 3 flippers
Data east small display 126 X16
6803 Bally MPU pcb + sound board tested OK
WPC boards available: wpc CPU, WPC power driver board, wpc sound std,fliptronic board
Funhouse & BOP complete display assy 2 X alpha board tested
Bally 6803 displays + power supply 6803
Bally & Stern 6 digit numeric display assy boards
Gotlieb sys 1: 6 digit display assy
Zaccaria: 4 & 6 digit display glass only
Williams 6 digit master display board + 6 digit display + boards
AS2518-35 & AS2518-17 NOT TESTED.
Gottlieb: Sys1 MPU not tested, Sys 80 not tested, Sys3: audio analog
amp, reg power supply
Please email for prices and pics, You will receive a very fast answer with all details.
I take PayPal.Doctor Pinball
more parts on web www.pinball.ro